Light Transitions

Gallery Sculptor 2019

Kuva © Titus Verhe

Anna Hyrkkänen often creates her works by studying light in different spaces and materials. Her practice is guided by the aspiration to understand the behavior of matter. Seeing light as matter is both a concrete and an interpretative part of the works.

In the core of Hyrkkänen’s new works is the human as a biological being, and the human mind’s ability to transcend the limitations of time and materiality; the non-simultaneity of the inner and outer worlds. The distance between concrete and abstract disappears in the pieces that utilize different imaging techniques. A coronary angiogram and a CT scan reveal the stacking of different realities; our body continues living in the present moment while our minds wander through immeasurable periods of time, for instance, to the beginning of the Universe.

A scientifically precise reproduction of something that is near to us, or even inside our body, becomes strange and unfamiliar to its carrier. Hyrkkänen’s works explore humans as beings that have both, a body and a mind, as an organism that is resiliently connected with materiality and time. Her starting point is, at the same time, anthropocentric and post-human: she views humans as any organism that functions in accordance to the laws of physics. The exhibition brings scientific material into the sphere of art. It produces visual entities that create ambiguous domains crossing the boundaries between science and art.


Colored videos and lights, sculptural elements, CT scan of the human body

Entropies I and II

Heat colored copper piping

The Clown

gif animation, CT scan of a brain, wooden frame

Breathing Apparatus

Rubber, wood, acrylic plate, a programmed compressor for inflating and deflating


Heat colored copper, wooden stand

Portraits of Hearts

Coronary angiograms