WAM Turku 2023
In Anna Hyrkkänen’s body of work the gallery space with its sculptures and colorful lights embodies the structures of mind. The space represents a sort of transforming template or map, out of which the human mind and the self are built. It is a receptive surface, like skin is the surface of our bodies.
As the foundation of her works, Hyrkkänen uses data collected in brain studies and models of the functioning mechanisms of brains. The brain is a dynamic system that constantly adapts its inner connections to serve the demands of the environment.
Hyrkkänen’s installation Superposition brings to light mechanisms by which the human body, mind, brain, and consciousness are interconnected and work together, creating a microcosm that operates on its own rules, constantly developing and shaping its activities.
Human interaction and the building – and destruction – of mutual relationships result from the creation and destruction of complex connections. In an intracranial microcosm, the tentacle-like branches of the neurons search for a joint to accept or reject, feeling and bumping into each other.
Poriginal Gallery of Pori Art Museum 2022
Gallery Sculptor, Helsinki 2023
Lux & Umbra, WAM Turku 2023-24
Mänttä Art Festival XXVIII 2024
Colored lights, videos, sculpture elements